Conservatives offering solutions to stop the Liberals’ inflationary waste hurting Canadians
“After eight years of Trudeau, Canadians are out of money and worse off, but it has never been better for this out-of-touch Liberal government and their insider friends.
Ottawa, ON – Dr. Stephen Ellis, Conservative Shadow Minister for Health, and Pierre Paul-Hus, Quebec Political Lieutenant, released the following statement:
After waiting eight years and doubling the national debt, the Prime Minister told Canadians who are desperate for more healthcare funding, ‘Sorry, we can’t do more on healthcare because we are broke.’
Liberal red tape costs billions and drives Canadians nuts
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) have given the Liberals the worst ever federal government grade for their inaction on reducing red tape. After 8 years of Trudeau, Canadians are overwhelmed by needless regulations, endless paperwork and confusing jargon.
Liberals temporarily pause attack on Canadian hunters and farmers
“For months, the Liberals have denied and lied about what we always knew – they want to ban hunting rifles. Despite their denials, they are now backpedalling and are temporarily pausing their attack on law-abiding Canadians.
Conservatives pushing for immediate changes to failed Liberal bail polices
After eight years of Justin Trudeau, Canadian cities have become crime zones. Hard working Canadians don’t feel safe walking down the street or taking transit to work.
Conservatives investigate $101 million in contracts to Liberal friendly firm
Canadians deserve to know why the Liberal Government has spent $101.4 million in contracts with McKinsey & Company, a fiftyfold increase since 2015.