Report on 2023 Annual General Meeting
The 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Burnaby North-Seymour Electoral District Association (EDA) was held last May and was open for attendance by members of the Conservative Party of Canada living in the riding. A Summary Report of that meeting has been prepared and is attached for those who are interested in learning what the EDA’s interests and activities were for the year prior to the Meeting and what was projected for the coming year.
We assume that, as a Conservative Party of Canada member, you are concerned to bring about a badly needed change from the current Trudeau Liberal government. You may also be interested in actively working toward this goal and we therefore urge you to read the Report to become more familiar with the EDA’s role and objectives.
You can choose to become more involved, to whatever extent you personally decide, by volunteering to assist with one of our committees, by voting to determine the person who will be our next candidate to become the riding’s Member of Parliament, by canvassing voters or staffing campaign headquarters once the next election is called, by acting as a scrutineer during the vote count . . . lots of fun but very important work, as well, if we are to again have a Conservative representative in Ottawa.
You can make a difference!